The average annual salary for certified ethical hackers is $82,966, with a range of $46,000 to $143,000. Take the exam that is available on the EC-Council website to have a feeling of the real exam which ultimately helps you to prepare for the challenges in real life as well as to clear the examination. So the advice is to read the courseware thoroughly, go through each slide, and play with all the pen-testing tools at least mentioned in the core tools domains of CEH.

If you have never learned anything about InfoSec and Offensive security principles and technologies, hacker software or otherwise, then you will likely find passing the CEH exam very difficult. If you have learned the OSCP then you will find the CEH easy(ish). There are 125 questions in the CEH v11 exam Is the CEH exam hard? Countermeasures CEH Exam FAQs How many questions are on the CEH v11 exam? OT Countermeasures Cloud Computing - 6% Wireless Security Tools Mobile Platform, IoT, and OT Hacking - 8% SQL Injection Countermeasures Wireless Network Hacking - 6% IDS/Firewall Evasion Countermeasures Web Application Hacking - 16% IDS, IPS, Firewall, and Honeypot Solutions IDS, IPS, Firewall, and Honeypot Concepts Anti-Malware Software Network and Perimeter Hacking - 14% Vulnerability Assessment Solutions and Tools Vulnerability Classification and Assessment Types Enumeration Countermeasures System Hacking Phases and Attack Techniques - 17%

Other Enumeration Techniques (IPsec, VoIP, RPC, Unix/Linux, Telnet, FTP, TFTP, SMB, IPv6, and BGP enumeration) OS Discovery (Banner Grabbing/OS Fingerprinting) Footprinting through Social Engineering Footprinting through Social Networking Sites Information Security Laws and Standards Reconnaissance Techniques - 21% What Is on the CEH V11 Exam? Information Security and Ethical Hacking Overview - 6% Passing score: To pass the CEH exam your score needs a minimum of at least a 70% on the exam or get 88 or more of the questions correctly. According to EC-Council, the creator of the CEH certification “The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) is a certification for an information security professional, also known as a white-hat hacker, who systematically tries to inspect network infrastructure with the consent of its owner to find security vulnerabilities that a malicious hacker could potentially exploit.”.